Awakening the Goddess Within© is an online programme and community designed to Empower Women from inside out.
This is a programme created by Nara Lee, to help women heal from challenging circumstances in any area of their lives, and reconnect to their true source of power (the Divine Within/ the Goddess Within). To find the internal and external resources to cope with life's most challenging situations and to create successful and independent lives in their own right, and on their own terms.
Profit for Non-Profit
This project is a creative initiative, to help fight violence against women. Instead of asking for donations to fund non-profit work related to this cause, women who buy any of the items on this website, help support and make the same information, and help available to other women who do not have access to help and resources, and very much need our help. It's a circle, of women, supporting and empowering themselves and other women, as one.
The 4 Pillars of Empowerment
“I am the Dreamer of this Dream"
There are Five Key areas every Woman needs to Master in order to be in her Full Power:
1. Internal: Constantly build and work on Self-Worth and Confidence - from the inside out, on a daily basis - no matter how much you think you already love yourself
2. Financial: Financial Freedom, Security and Independence
3. Limiting Beliefs: Re-define and uncover limiting beliefs around femininity - what it means to be a woman - dissect and evict beliefs that rob you of your true power and unlimited potential in all areas of your life
4. Purpose: Creating a life and career on your terms, aligned with your true authentic self, and values, rather than what is expected of you
5. Health & Well-Being: Constantly working on your own health and well-being, so you can be fulfilled regardless of what happens in your life or in the world around you. If a woman cannot be there for herself, to be her own saviour and queen, she can barely be there for others, including the people who most love and need her.
So this journey starts with empowering the woman first - who has countless roles to fill in her life - mother, wife, girlfriend, entrepreneur or career woman, sister, friend, philanthropist, etc.
We begin to change our world and experience, by first, changing ourselves.
The Inspiration behind this
Awakening the Goddess Within© is a project created by Nara Lee in order to help women have the tools and support they need in their personal journey of self-empowerment, self-love and healing. In 2015, Nara Lee almost lost her life in a tragic incident of domestic violence. At the time she was living in London and working as CEO of an international real estate company. She took time off and embarked on an incredible journey of self-healing and empowerment which led her to discover a hidden reservoir of potential and power that we all have but don't use.
Awakening the Goddess Within©, shares some of the spiritual wisdom she learned during her own healing journey, and the healing tools she created to help you heal and rise strong, from anything that is or has dimmed your Light, and stay empowered in your life. The tools are all online, so you can have immediate access to them from anywhere in the world, 24/7.
Nara also holds a degree in Gender & Women Studies and Social Transformation. You can learn more about on her on www.naralee.co